I’m a researcher in developmental psycholinguistics, currently working at the Technical University of Braunschweig in Germany. I’ve bounced all over the world since I started my PhD in Göttingen, Germany in 2010. You can read a brief summary of what I’ve worked on along the way under the About Me tab. For a quick summary of my curriculum vitae, go to CV. You can find more about my current and past research projects under the Research tab. I’ve taught several different classes in Psychology and Linguistics, you can check out some of my approaches under the Teaching tab. I’ve also been covered in the media a few times and written a few blog posts, which you can read under the Media tab. Since 2022, I’ve been the Media Coordinator for the IASCL (International Association for the Study of Child Language), managing their website, social media, and general technical needs.

I’ve put together several tutorials for creating experiments (including online experiments!) in Open Sesame and for analyzing Eye-tracking and EEG data. You’ll find these tutorials under the Tutorials drop-down menu.

Together with Christina Bergmann, we founded a regular meeting of the Parisian Babylabs every. Christina and I have both left Paris, but PaBaLa still meets every 2-3 months, discussing topics such as how to improve baby recruitment, best practices for planning and analyzing experiments, and tips for keeping babies happy and not fussy. Check out the website to learn more!

Download my full Curriculum Vitae here

Check out my Publons Reviewer Profile.